Introducing tones, literature out loud. Our 2023-2024 lineup includes: Yamilette Vizcaíno Rivera, Sarah Kersey, Shannon Frost Greenstein, JP Seabright, Isaac Akanmu, Charles K. Carter, and Hunter Blackwell. Enjoy the show.
Yamilette Vizcaíno Rivera is an Afrolatinx creative who breathes, thrives, and writes best at intersections. She currently holds a BA from Vassar College and a position as an educator of the young people of Queens. She aspires to someday write something that doesn’t make her father say “¿Y tu en serio quieres que yo lea todo eso, Yamilette?” Her debut chapbook, Little, Little, Little, Big, Big, Big, was published by The Hellebore Press in Summer 2022. #authorsoftiktok#indielit#literarytok#creativenonfiction
Sarah Kersey is a poet, musician, and x-ray tech from New Jersey. She is an Associate Editor of South Florida Poetry Journal, and is the Assistant Editor of Royal Rose Magazine. Her work has appeared in Columbia Journal (online), Harpoon Review, Mortar Magazine, and elsewhere. She is interested in medicine, the body, and having new experiences. Sarah tweets @sk__poet. #poetrytok#indielit#literarytok#poetryreading
Shannon Frost Greenstein (she/her) resides in Philadelphia with her children and soulmate. She is a former Ph.D. candidate in Continental Philosophy and a multi-time Pushcart Prize nominee. Her work has appeared in McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Pithead Chapel, Bending Genres, and elsewhere. Her passions include Mount Everest, Hamilton, Friedrich Nietzsche, ballet, and literally all cats. #poetrytok#indielit#literarytok#poetryreading
JP Seabright (she/they) is a queer disabled writer living in London. They have three pamphlets published: Fragments from Before the Fall (Beir Bua Press, 2021), No Holds Barred (Lupercalia Press, 2022), and GenderFux (Nine Pens Press, 2022). MACHINATIONS, a collaborative experimental work, is out winter 2022 from Trickhouse Press. More of their work can be found at #poetrytok#indielit#literarytok#poetryreading
Isaac Akanmu is a Nigerian American from Staten Island, NY. His poetry chapbook, not belonging anywhere, is available with Bottlecap Press (2022). Isaac’s poetry also appears in Posit Journal, Olney Magazine, Rejection Letters, and more. He lives in Charlotte, NC. Find Isaac at and on social media (@insteadofisaac).#poetrytok#indielit#literarytok#poetryreading
Charles K. Carter (he/him) is a queer poet and educator from Iowa who currently lives in Oregon. He shares his home with his artist husband and his spoiled pets. He enjoys film, yoga, and live music. Melissa Etheridge is his ultimate obsession. He holds an MFA in writing from Lindenwood University. His poems have appeared in several literary journals. Carter is the author of Read My Lips (David Robert Books) as well as several chapbooks.
Hunter Blackwell is a Black and Native queer poet and author. They are a recent graduate of Northern Arizona University with their MFA in Creative Writing, though they do hail from Virginia. They are the recipient of the 2020 Diana Gabaldon Award and the 2018 Gorowny-Owen Prize for Group of Poems. Their previous works have appeared in Parentheses Journal, Kissing Dynamite, Barren Magazine, and others. When not writing, they are attempting box mix bakes and cosplays. #poetrytok#indielit#literarytok#poetryreading
tones, literature out loud, is brought to you by The Hellebore Press. tones features dynamic voices from across the global diaspora to create a thrilling literary experience. We aim to deliver the excitement of live readings directly to audiences near and far so they too can appreciate the liberation of words.