Resources for BIPOC writers, poets, and artists are limited. The inequities within publishing and writing cannot be ignored. As a result, we must do everything we can to decolonize the canon so that literature and art is accessible to all. HUES Foundation and The Hellebore Press are committed to supporting the scholarship & mentorship of underrepresented voices. As an independent organization we rely on the support of our readers and community.

How can I make a donation?

Simply, select the yellow donate button within this post to sponsor our HUES Scholars & Hellebore initiatives. Your donation ensures that we have the resources available to curate accessible and affordable workshops, courses, and events. Alternatively, you may use this link which will direct you to PayPal. Choose a USD amount to support our mission to amplify the voices of BIPOC, LGBT+, Neurodiverse, Disabled, Nonbinary, Immigrant, and International Poets, Writers, and Artists.

What will the impact be?

By donating to The Hellebore & HUES, you mobilize the efforts of a Blaxican & LGBTQIA+ owned press and educational organization while directly impacting our literary community.

Support Small Press. Support BIPOC voices in the literary arts. Support our Youth. Support The Hellebore & HUES.