Little, Little, Little, Big, Big, Big
Yamilette Vizcaíno Rivera, 2022
$8.00 – $11.00 USD
Pre-orders open on September 12, 2022 and will ship by October 31, 2022.
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In four essays, across format, languages and disciplines, the question of home appears and then returns. Like a case study by a good friend, Little, Little, Little, Big, Big, Big knows what questions to ask: not the ones with answers, but the ones that demand constant return. Following themes of home, belonging, and what makes us who we are across contexts, these essays explore love and family with framework after framework, all the while guarding the delicate thread of hope for the future at its core.
Book Information
Page Count: 28 pages
Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5
Format: Saddle Stitch Binding, Chapbook Print
Shipping Information
All books are shipped and distributed by The Hellebore Press. Please allow 6-8 weeks for pre-orders to be shipped. Due to COVID-19 delays and restrictions, shipping locations may be limited and waiting periods may be extended. Your patience is appreciated. Thank you for supporting independent press. To follow up on the status of your shipment, please email us directly.
About the Author
Yamilette Vizcaíno Rivera is an Afrolatinx creative who breathes, thrives, and writes best at intersections. She currently holds a BA from Vassar College and a position as an educator of the young people of Queens. She aspires to someday write something that doesn’t make her father say “¿Y tu en serio quieres que yo lea todo eso, Yamilette?” Her debut chapbook, Little, Little, Little, Big, Big, Big, was released by The Hellebore Press.
Praise for LLL,BBB
How many ways can we write about home? How do we call to it, beckon it, recast and redefine our own kaleidoscopic histories? Yamilette Vizcaíno Rivera answers in Little, Little, Little, Big, Big, Big an electrifying tapestry of stories, meditations, and poetics of startling perception. “Where language and ecology meet, the shape of everything is revealed,” Rivera writes, in this formally innovative, gasp worthy work. With a chorus of voices and time travel on every page, prepare to highlight and underline everything; this is a book of incisive, shattering beauty.
T Kira Madden, Author of Long Live the Tribe of Fatherless Girls
Little, Little, Little, Big, Big, Big is a powerful meditation on loss, longing and the many ways that language can both trap us and set us free. Yamilette Vizcaíno Rivera writes with tenderness, poetry and, above all, truth. She is a force to be reckoned with.
Said Sayrafiezadeh, Memoirist, Playwright, & Fiction Author of American Estrangement
Yamilette Vizcaíno Rivera is a wonder, excavating the familiar terrain of writing about home to reveal something fresh and haunting. She understands that home is a breathing entity, one that isn’t bound to geography but carried in the blood and heart, a ghost nestling into our dreams and nightmares, our everyday anxieties. As she returns to the idea of home, always back to the start, she demands we do the same, to confront that which has shaped us and will forever move us forward.
Chris Gonzales, Author of I’m Not Hungry but I Could Eat