Artist Statement
My name is Kathleen. I’m 32. I live in Canada. I have always been a very creative person, so in February 2022 I decided to start posting my art online. My instagram account @kkmakesart started off as a way to put my energy into something that brought me calmness and joy. I never expected this much support.
Kkmakesart is a space where I share my experiences. I have dealt with mental health issues since a yong age and was diagnosed with generalized anxiety, social anxiety, depression, PTSD, and broderline personality disorder two years ago. It is important for me to be open about my struggles so it’s been a natural progression to take my love of writing poems, making collage art and photography, and share it with the world. Thank you for being here.
*All artwork is featured with the permission of the artist. Please ask for permission before sharing any content.