Artist Statement

Photography, as I would suggest any other art form is poetry; it is language. To speak of one’s words and choices of syntax, is very difficult. How often does the creator of his own work stop to observe, analyze, dissect and discuss his own work from the inside in? All queries are legitimate from the mind of the viewer, but where lie the answers? All I can suggest is possibilities, options, and let the observer decide for himself.  

The images in this selection represent a continued search for the amazing depth of the world’s landscapes, here of course the great American West. It is a place of peace, reconciliation, communion and ultimately confession as the traveler will find him or herself faced with the most profound need for humility as he or she faces the universal and imposing size of a realm we are only given for the flash of a lifetime. I hope viewers can share in the awe I experience every time I am fortunate enough to be completely alone in front of massive cliffs or at the bottom of apparently bottomless abysses.

Featured in Issue One: Gold in the Soil.

*All artwork is featured with the permission of the artist. Please be sure to ask for permission before republishing or sharing any content.

Fabrice Poussin teaches French and English. Author of novels and poetry, his work has appeared in Kestrel, Symposium, The Chimes, and dozens of other magazines. His photography has been published in The Front Porch Review, the San Pedro River Review as well as other publications. 

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