We’ve been proud to introduce ya’ll to the best new poets and writers since 2018. We’ve grown so much and have ya’ll to thank for that. As a fully independent org, we couldn’t imagine it any other way. We believe in our community and the power of innovative literature. Your voices inspire, revolutionize, and captivate.

We could not be more excited to share our nominations for the Best of the Net Anthology:


What is it about brown girls by Neha Maqsood

How to Write Your First Queer Love Letter by Gwyneth Findlay

Pizza Hut, 1985 by Joan Kwon Glass

If I Had It My Way Burger King Would Be the One We’d Remember by Exodus Oktavia Brownlow

When to Use “영” by Maria S. Picone/수영 

Hinting Palette in the Beauty Aisle of any Drugstore, Pyramid Scheme, Office, or Classroom Near You! by Vanessa Bernice De La Cruz


Sugar Rush by Diamond Braxton

Creative Nonfiction

Little, Little, Little, Big, Big, Big (Excerpt) by Yamilette Vizcaíno Rivera

Incredible selections amirite?!

Best of luck ya’ll!

With love,
